Seven Diamond City Newspaper is a prestigious media house serving diamond and jewellery industry since 2001. Information, news, views, analysis and reports have won hearts of business leaders across the industry. We have grown with the industry and are there in support in all ups and downs. Our flagship products are Diamond City News Paper, Seven Stars Worldwide Magazine, News Portal and Diamond City Directory.
Diamond City is a our flagship product. It is a fortnightly trade newspaper in Gujarati serving diamond and jewellery industry especially to diamond manufacturing industry based in Surat, surrounding areas and Mumbai. It is first of its kind fortnightly newspaper catering the industry. Rich in content, Diamond City has high quality trade information, news and analysis. It enjoys readability, reach and confidence of all sections of the industry and trade.
Diamond City Directory helps buyers quickly and conveniently find businesses while helping sellers improve the effectiveness of their marketing spend. It furnishes comprehensive local content where can easily find diamond polishers – traders, tools and technology suppliers and other allied industry contacts. It has detailed information on businesses to enable you to pick the business that most suits your requirements.
This is a high-tech era with people always on the move. The diamond and jewellery traders may be anywhere in the world and they also want the latest industry news. What better tool than a desktop/ laptop/ smart phone to open up the windows of the world! Towards this end we have created the web portal to provide the latest news and information.